Protect Your Clients With New Cyber Solutions Like NeuShield

Published: February 28, 2020

Ransomware and cyber attacks are affecting every kind of business, and hackers are finding new ways to exploit vulnerabilities in your networks.

That includes accessing the networks of your technology services providers. That’s exactly what happened about a year ago with Pacoima, Calif.-based managed services provider Remote Techs.

Ransomware infected several clients via two commonly used tools in the IT industry.

“For the next eight weeks, we pretty much ran 24 hours a day, seven days a week trying to put everything back together,” said Darin Harris, chief operating officer at Remote Techs.

The company was prepared on the server side, but the same wasn’t true for about 140 workstations.

Remote Techs was stuck paying overtime to its employees to help its clients recover. That included deploying temporary desktops, restoring servers, decrypting files and a litany of other cumbersome remedies.

“That wasn’t a viable solution,” Harris said.

A new ransomware solution

That’s when Harris found NeuShield, which calls itself the world’s first mirror shielding technology that can instantly recover data and files when other malware defenses fail.

In January, the companies partnered to bring NeuShield’s technology to Remote Techs’ customers.

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Rather than detecting and blocking individual threats, NeuShield’s anti-ransomware technology protects important data and allows organizations to recover damaged files without a backup. This allows for quick file recovery from any unknown or zero-day threat.

There are no products that will keep your company 100% safe, says NeuShield channel chief Steve Bottini. Bad actors will always seek a way into your network, and there’s a good chance they’ll be successful as soon as you take your eye off of your network defenses.

It’s now critical to have a layered approach to your cybersecurity offerings. NeuShield and immediate data recovery should be added to your portfolio.

“Recover is really the key element,” Bottini said. “You need to prepare for when ransomware happens and gets in.”

A faster recovery

However, that process can be slow, as the average time of restoration is 16 days. That means more than two weeks without doing business.

According to Bottini, NeuShield can restore your files within minutes. A passive agent resides on endpoints and springs into action once the encryption process takes place.

“It can immediately reverse that damage and give customers their data back immediately,” Bottini says.

The company was founded about three years ago but has only been actively marketing and selling the product for about the last year.

Bottini called the product a departure from the “cat-and-mouse” game of other cybersecurity solutions.

“It doesn’t matter what comes in,” Bottini says. “We’re going to allow you to recover from it.”

Posted in: Insights, Projects

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