11 Unsung Industry Heroes of 2016

Published: December 28, 2016

This year, we introduced you to 11 behind-the-scenes superstars who make the AV industry even better, and in a few cases, we told you not only about their path to success at work but about some of the cool hobbies they enjoy in their free time.

CLICK TO VIEW: 11 Unsung Industry Heroes of 2016

Whether they’re just starting their career in systems integration or heading toward retirement, our Back Stage profile subjects shared a lot of wisdom about their place in the space and their reasons for wanting to be part of it this year.

Here’s a roundup of the best soundbytes from our Back Stage subjects about why they love the industry.

If you know someone who deserves to have the Back Stage spotlight shined on them, let us know. We’re always looking to reveal those hidden gems, especially the ones with talents outside the office.

Click here to learn more about the 11 Unsung Industry Heroes of 2016.

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