5 Ugly, Unprofessional Retail Technology AV Fails (and What They SHOULD Look Like)

Published: October 30, 2018
Photo courtesy of AV Install Nightmares Facebook group

AV plays a unique role in the retail technology AV market. Consider that brick-and-mortar retailers face overwhelming competition from online retailers such as Amazon. They’re even competing with their own online presences.

So when a retailer invests in a physical location they’re almost certain to invest in creating an immersive, interactive presence that compels customers to leave to comfort of their homes or look up from their phones and enter their stores — all with the power of retail AV.

Retail AV plays an enormous role in creating a compelling shopping environment. Retailers lean on interactive digital signage, immersive video walls, engaging kiosks and welcoming audio in order to turn shopping in their stores into a multi-dimensional experience.

Stores are no longer simply places to buy products; instead, they lean on retail AV to help them become brand ambassadors.

Although we’re starting to see a lot of vacancies pop up at the old malls of the past and even in our favorite childhood shopping center, those retailers who survived did so in part because they were savvy enough to incorporate retail AV technology in their operations.

Check out the slideshow of unprofessional retail technology fails

From digital signage to entice people to come into the store, to credit card chip readers or mobile apps to help them check out faster.

After all, who wants to wait a long time to get home and try out that new magic set or build their Lego universe or transform their entire wardrobe?

These examples of sketchy retail AV could have been so much better — which is why we pair them with better, more experiential examples in the above slideshow.

Some useful links for retail technology integrators:

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