The tributes for New Era Technology’s John Greene continued to pour in, with several of his colleagues sharing their memories of the man who never lacked for a smile, a joke or a pearl of wisdom before his death Thursday, May 13, at age 63 after a lengthy battle with cancer.
“John had an anecdotal story for every situation,” said Michael Boettcher, president of New Era’s U.S. video collaboration division. “He was a walking Seinfeld episode. You went to him with an issue, and he had advice, support and a laugh all at the ready.
“John had a way to connect with everyone, us old folks and the newbies. I called him our industry’s oldest Millennial, usually spending hours at the end of a day posting on social media. He usually finished in the top three of every social contest during an event,” he says.
Related: John Greene Remembered for His Infectious Enthusiasm for All Things AV
“John was a beloved member of our New Era family, and he brought great wisdom and support to all that crossed his path,” says Boettcher. “We are very fortunate to have had John in our lives, and we will miss him greatly.”
New Era senior account executive Tory Holmwood calls Greene “the most unique, kind, loving, smart, savvy, funny and endearing man I have ever known.
“His whole body would move when he laughed and you couldn’t help but laugh with him,” she says. “It was my goal in every conversation to get that laugh. That laugh made everything okay. John was a true mentor.
“He wanted everyone he cared about to be happy and successful and fulfilled in every way possible. He made every day feel special and significant and he always made me feel special and significant. Everything good that I am as a professional has been curated by and with him—and he would never take credit for any of it,” says Holmwood.
Greene “was one of the greatest human beings I will ever have the pleasure of calling my friend,” says Paul Schneider, VP of operations for New Era Technology. “He was a phenomenal mentor and trusted confidant. He was a strong personality in our organization and a giant in the industry.
“I always marveled at John’s ability to find something in common and make a connection with everyone he met, no matter where he went. He could walk into a room full of people he never met and would walk away with a friend or two that he would have for years to come because he had an uncanny way of making people feel comfortable, making them laugh, and mostly making them feel important,” he said.
“He loved his family enormously and had a passion for life, living every moment to its fullest,” said Schneider. “The world was a better place with him in it, and there will never be another one like him.”

John Greene always knew how to find a good time, including crashing a wedding, bridal shower and other events that were happening at the same time in the same place as AV events he attended.
More John Greene Memories from New Era
Greene was “the ultimate cheerleader, and he saw good things in others than they did not recognize themselves,” says New Era Technology purchasing manager Maureen Gochenauer. “When an opportunity presented itself, he was the first person to push me towards the goal.
“John’s door was always open and we often talked about family. I remember when my daughter wanted a dog for the longest time (and John knew it), he took to social media, and would post #getmeganadog to support her cause,” she said.
“When we got the dog, we brought her to his office and he played with her. John was not just my manager. He was my source of wisdom, my confidant, my cheerleader, my mentor. But ultimately, he was my friend,” said Gochenauer.
New Era national director of AV solutions Eric Bixler calls Greene “the most impactful professional of my career.
“What made John stand out was how genuine John was with everyone he interacted with,” he says. “No matter if it was his genuine caring of the people around him, always making sure they were okay, compassion was at his core of who he was as a man.
“His support of others did not stop at New Era. His efforts to promote and expand the diversity of women in the AV industry was a passion that paid off with great success at New Era and across the industry,” says Bixler.
“Through witnessing John’s passion for making others around him better, achieving more and prospering in a process that has made me a better person,” he says. To Linda and family, you will never know how many people John helped and made smile through the years. His impact will live on forever.”
Trying to sum up Greene “would be an unfinished novel because I could always remember something else,” says New Era Technology senior inside sales specialist Colleen Leskowich. “First and foremost, his Muttley laugh. This sound was often heard in our building, and it was contagious.
“Anyone that knew John knows what I mean when I say ‘his way.’ He just was a great person. As a boss, John was the best you could hope for. I feel so lucky to have worked with him all these years. He never once stopped me for being ‘me.’ He knew us all so well. He knew what we needed to thrive—and we did,” she says.
“I give John Greene credit for my professional development and for making me into the businessperson I am today,” says Leskowich. “Rest in peace, John! I love you!”
Click here for John Greene’s full obituary.