Editor’s Note: Here, we present an excerpt of a brand new Commercial Integrator whitepaper, entitled “Digital Storytelling is Currency in Today’s Environments: Here’s How to Cash In.” This excerpt touches on the need for integrators to be consultative partners when designing and spec’ing digital signage solutions. Arguably, it’s the key to maximizing long-term, sustainable digital signage opportunities.
The prevalence and relevance of digital signage is powering an ongoing uptick in the entire industry. Nevertheless, Tomer Mann, chief revenue officer and global enterprise lead for 22Miles, observes that some integrators seem less confident qualifying and upselling clients on digital signage specifically. Failing to do so, however, leaves money on the table for integration professionals, while also jeopardizing project success.
Adopting the attitude of “this is fine; this is all that you’ll need” isn’t doing integrators’ clients a favor, and it’s not being the consultative partner that best-of-breed integrators strive to be. It might be counterintuitive, but, from Mann’s perspective, “The best thing that an [integrator] can do is not agree with a client right off the bat.” He elaborates, saying, “There’s a lot of opportunity for integrators to really ask the right questions: What is the solution you’re looking for? Does the CMS you were referred to offer you the right amount of applications, widgets and tools to benefit you [in the future]?”
It’s only through those kinds of questions that integrators can properly understand their clients’ long-term solution needs and their digital approach. In fact, Mann says, offering a client even one alternative can make the integrator the hero if it means that they deliver a better solution. “If they’re selling them something from the beginning that benefits them for years to come, they’ve got a loyal client that will just keep buying,” he predicts.
But Mann makes clear that integrators don’t need to enter those conversations alone. 22Miles and its entire tech stack are here to help. “We make it easy for [integrators] if they bring us in,” he declares. “To demo, to talk, to upsell and then to be their consulting partner.” In other words, integrators will always be the “feet on the street,” but they don’t have to go it alone.
To read more of this eye-opening whitepaper, entitled “Digital Storytelling is Currency in Today’s Environments: Here’s How to Cash In,” access the full download. It’s a great, free way to seize on digital signage opportunities!