Top 40 CI Influencers Under 40
Posted on 2014-08-19·By D. Craig MacCormack
Debra Alexander, 37
Director of global managed services;
Ben Dandola-Grubb, 32
Director of global engineering services;
and Mark Mogila, 33
Director of operations at Verrex
Twitter: @Verrex
Deb designed and implemented the Global Service Delivery Center for Managed Services and Technical Maintenance at Verrex. She increased operational profitability by 30 percent and exceeded all customer SLAs with an 166 percent increase in global client base.
Ultimately responsible for the integrity of Verrex integrated systems globally, Ben directs a 13-person design, engineering, CAD and control systems team. His own project credits span 14 countries and $50 million.
Overseeing Verrex operations globally, Mark is responsible for a 19-person fabrication, QA, installation and material handling team. CTS-I certified, he has directed significant builds in North America, Europe and Asia, including the largest Christie Micro-Tile installation in Hong Kong.