Lencore at InfoComm 2018: Mass Notification, Soundmasking Should Be Integrated

Published: June 21, 2018

Your customers need mass notification emergency communication (MNEC). They also need soundmasking in many cases. Integrators, meanwhile, can provide a great service by creating more integrated solutions for customers, said Lencore VP of marketing David Smith at InfoComm 2018.

[related]For integrators, the opportunity to meet demands for more integrated MN and soundmasking solutions is being driven, in part, by code adoption, Smith explained in an interview with CI at InfoComm 2018.

Specifically, the NFPA 72 code, which sets standards for fire detection, signaling, and emergency communications, and is being widely adopted across the U.S. “is really helping to drive the requirement to put in mass notification systems.”

Of course, there other driver of mass notification emergency communication adoption is the unfortunate reality that we’re all too often learning about a new active shooter in our schools, campuses and buildings.

Lencore, of course, is a provider of mass notification systems that schools or other facilities can use to help provide protection.

Integrating Mass Notification and Soundmasking

Lencore is also a provider of soundmasking solutions aimed at helping offices eliminate unwanted noise distractions and increase efficiently. Just like mass notification, as Smith points out, soundmasking is also tied into code adoption.

Just like mass notification, soundmasking is also tied into code adoption.

“From the sound masking perspective as it relates to the code adoption that’s happening in the marketplace you actually have to mute any sort of ambient noise in order not to have competing signals when you’re trying to create a verbal communication to building occupants,” he says.

“If you have soundmasking playing and there’s a fire or a weather related emergency that you need to inform building occupants of you want to mute that masking and that’s part of the code requirement.”

Integration firms, Smith adds, are in a prime position to bring not just mass notification and soundmasking together but also paging, audio distribution, video communications, security and “integrate those into their clients’ facilities to make sure that they’re properly talking and working with each other.”

Watch the entire interview with Lencore’s David Smith above.

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