These Stressed-Out U.S. Cities Are Feeling Even More Burden During Pandemic

Published: November 19, 2020

There’s probably not a single person these days who isn’t feeling at least a twinge of stress in their lives as a result of the ongoing spread of the coronavirus around the world, although news of potential vaccines certainly helped some people to feel a bit more at ease.

The fact that most of us are still largely restricted to staying home and have been for the better part of the last few months has to play a role in peoples’ mental health.

Now imagine if you lived in one of the most stressed cities in the U.S.

Related: How Business Leaders Can Help Employees Better Manage Their Mental Health

AV integration leaders need to make sure they’re doing everything they can to ensure their employees’ mental health is preserved without dipping too far into their personal lives.

Stress can lead to issues at work as well and that can hurt the performance of the integration team or the entire company of AV employees.

Here’s a closer look at the Zippia survey that generated the most-stressed cities report, although we aren’t sure if these results look different today in light of the COVID-19 outbreak:

Numerous factors that contribute to stress—like work/life balance, income, and cost of living—vary by location.

To determine the most stressed city in each state, the career search site Zippia looked at multiple criteria.

The quality of life factors they linked to stress include the average number of hours residents work per week, average commute times, unemployment rates, income to housing price ratios, and the percentages of uninsured residents.

All data came from the U.S. Census American Community Survey for 2013 to 2017 and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

According to Zippia, the fast pace of city life doesn’t automatically equal more stress. The map below includes many small- and medium-sized cities, like Mead Valley, Calif.; Asbury Park, N.J.; and Lantana, Fla.

The biggest city that appears on the map is Chicago.

A city has just as much potential to boost a resident’s happiness as it does to raise their stress levels. You can learn more about Zippia’s methodology and findings here. After looking at their map, check out the 25 happiest cities in the country here.

Stress won’t go away for your AV employees when the pandemic does, so knowing how to handle it and where not to live could go a long way toward improving your personal well-being and your ability to do your job well.

Posted in: Insights, News

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